Mexican cuisine comprise tastes and flavors which dates back to its rich cultural heritage and traditions, very much like Indian cuisine.
The culinary similarities of India & Mexico are striking, both being diverse and ingrained to its ancient legacy, appealing to everyone’s taste buds.
Mexikhana was founded within the 4 walls of a modest gujarati kitchen by my mother, designed to make the basic ingredients used in Mexican food available to all. Slowly the appetizing Mexican food served by us, found its way to myriad of people’s hearts through their stomachs. This encouraged us to progress from our home’s kitchen to a large, state-of-the-art independent kitchen to serve our customers better while providing them the same tastes from my mother's recipes that started it all.
As items like Nachos Chips, Tacos are not readily available and are time-consuming to make at home, we at Mexikhana provide you a variety of Nachos and Tacos Shells and Dips so that you can prepare any Mexican dish in minutes.
Savouring it in true Indian style.